Friday 20 January 2012

How Steve Jobs made his way through


The man that started off as a college drop out, changed millions of life by creating one of the world's greatest invention of all time. Born in 1955, died in 2011. At an age of 56 years old, Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer. According to his death certificate, the immediate cause of his death was respiratory arrest. Diagnosed with the rare form of pancreatic cancer in 2003, he underwent a liver transplant in 2009 after the cancer spread. Now who would have thought that the man who is behind one of the greatest inventions of all time, had suffered from a serious ailment.

His Story
His success stories will always be remembered. Born as an out of wedlock child, Steve Jobs was given up for adoption to a couple who was unable to bear their own children. Given to a lower-middle class couple, he still managed to graduate from high school and went to college. Having to drop out from Reed College after only one semester, Jobs still “drop in” on classes he was not supposed to attend. 

His life was not easy back in college. After he dropped out from college, he still attends classes where he survived by sleeping on the floor in friend’s rooms. According to,
 to earn money for his expenses, Jobs returned Coke bottles for food money. He even walked the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. Life was not easy for him. 

How his career started
His career started at an age of 19, where Jobs worked as a technician at Atari.  He was assigned to create a circuit board for a game.  Apple computer was born when he suggested selling the board for business. Apple’s first year in business consisted of assembling the boards in Steve’s garage and driving to local computer stores to try and sell them.

But his setbacks and challenges didn’t end there. Apple’s success was threatened as another prominent company was planning to enter the personal computer market in 1981. Even after several breakthroughs done by Apple, Steve Jobs was thrown out as the manager for his project named ‘Lisa.’ There were feedbacks that he was too temperamental as a manager.

But Jobs took it all on his stride by taking over a small project called Macintosh with its simple concept that was, ‘a computer as easy to use as a toaster'. But soon after, his job’s position was downgraded by having no managerial duties at all and by remaining as the chairman of the board.

However, Jobs main interest was still to make great computers. According to Wikipedia, in 1985, he announced that he was going to found a new company to build an advanced computer called NeXT. Apple disagrees and decided to sue him. And that’s where Steve Jobs decided to leave the company and sold almost all of his stock.

He started to look for a new job. Eventually, he met with brilliant computer graphics experts. They shared a common goal of making animated movies with computers and so, Jobs decided to buy the company for $10 million in 1986, incorporating it as Pixar. However, his NeXT breakthrough was short-lived and his investment in Pixar also seemed to lead nowhere. With both his ventures failing, Jobs spent most of his days at home with his family.

But he eventually made a comeback thanks to Pixar and Apple. He came back to work with Apple and was named interim CEO of Apple in July 1997. He did an extensive review of the company and built everything back from scratch. Apple launched a revolutionary marketing campaign and several successful products such as iMac. And Apple Inc. continues to prosper by releasing many great inventions like iPod, iPhone and many more great ideas. 

A man, with great dreams. 

Steve Jobs fought his way through to find his success story. He made every setbacks and challenges as a stepping stone for him to go further. May he be remembered and embraced by all of us.